4 C's of Diamond Quality

Katie Jones

Every diamond is unique and one of a kind. Understanding the differences and how they impact the value of the stone will help you decide in selecting a diamond. The 4C’s of Diamond quality (Color,...

Budget Friendly Stones

Jobin Kerry-Ann

At Jonathan’s Jewelers, we offer many options to fit your budget! When making a custom piece, we will work with you to make a design that you love but also fits your budget. There are...

Precious Metals

Jobin Kerry-Ann

Most jewelry is constructed with a precious metal and alloyed with other metals to make it stronger and less expensive. Stamps and hallmarks are stamped on the piece to indicate the purity of the precious...

Fluorescence in Diamonds

Jobin Kerry-Ann

Did you know about one third of diamonds have fluorescence? It is an occurrence that was once believed to be a faulty characteristic. Today it’s a more acceptable, and beneficial trait when teamed up with...


Katie Jones

Every diamond is unique and one of a kind. Understanding the differences and how they impact the value of the stone will help you decide in selecting a diamond. The 4C’s of Diamond quality (Color,...